Flower Subscriptions

Flower Subscriptions: Happiness Delivered


We offer weekly bouquet subscriptions and monthly arrangements in a vase delivered to your home or business.

Weekly Bouquets


Our weekly bouquets are lush, pre-arranged, European-style, hand-tied designs that come wrapped in brown paper.

We love variety, so you get variety! We design the bouquets so that every week has a different feel and color palette inspired by what’s blooming in our fields. Our flowers are grown without synthetic chemicals and are vibrantly fresh, often picked the same morning your flowers are delivered.

The 4-week Spring Subscription starts in early/mid April depending on the season.

The 20-week Main Season runs from May to late September.


spring bouquet subscription

Monthly Arrangements


Monthly arrangements change with the seasons, depending on what’s most beautiful at our farm, and arrive in a handsome vase or urn that’s been selected to complement the flowers.

Arrangement subscriptions are available year-round as we stretch the season with the help of a greenhouse and hydroponic growing. Winter arrangements (December to March) will feature bulbs and plants grown in our greenhouse.

Our arrrangements subscriptions are available in 3-month or 6-month durations.


Heather's Flower Farm arrangement
We deliver to homes and businesses in the City of Hood River and west side – see this map for our delivery area. If you live outside the City of Hood River, contact us to see if we can deliver to your address.


Bouquet or arrangement subscriptions make lovely gifts for the flower lovers in your life. Just let us know that it’s a gift in the “Order Notes”  when checking out and we’ll be sure to include a pretty card letting the lucky recipient know about your kind gift.



“Heather’s Flowers are out of this world. The variety of flowers she grows make for bouquets that are as unique as they are stunning. What’s more, the flowers from her farm last FOREVER. I am astounded at the beauty she is able to create!” 

Sami S.