bright tulips and poppies

Spring Table Gardens

Even if it’s a rainy day, this miniature bulb garden will bring spring flowers for you to enjoy up close indoors. The birchwood planter features two of my favorite early daffodils: the larger one is “Jetfire” an old fashioned variety you see planted around historic homes and the darling miniature is Narcissus Jonquilla henriquesii, a species daffodil I discovered about 5 years ago at the Portland Garden Show. There was a scrum around the booth that was selling it and I had to see what the excitement was about. It was this little flower. There were a lot of cool plants at the show but people were going nuts about this dainty sweet-scented charmer. The planter also includes grape hyacinth and violas. 

All the bulbs can be planted in your garden after they bloom to come back in later years. The jonquil narcissus likes hot spots and not much summer water which pretty much describes a lot of places in the Gorge. Daffodils are great plants for the less than attentive gardener – plant them and forget them. They thrive on neglect.

$37 delivered in Hood River

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